
Have any psychiatrists written books disproving paranormal claims ?

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Have they given their reasons why they don't believe in the paranormal?

(I understand there are books written about people on drugs having hallucinations. I don't mean those kinds of claims.)




  1. Well, for years now James Randi has offered one million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate genuine psychic abilities.  Nobody has even passed the preliminary, often because they refused to be tested according to the challenge itself (which is quite reasonable).

    Randi's reason for disbelief is simply skepticism.  He and I are basically on the same page.  Oh, there MIGHT be real supernatural shenanigens going on, but we haven't seen it ourselves, and so much of it is proven as fakery.  

    Randi's site contains all the information you could want on why he feels the way he does and what he's seen.  I can't speak for other people, but he does have several books out that explain what he's witnessed from things like faith healers and so forth.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Most psychiatrist have never conducted any research or published any scientific papers on anything paranormal (just like most skeptics). I am sure psychiatrist could tell you stories (except for the whole confidentiality thing) of patients that had delusional beliefs which include paranormal experiences and beliefs. However, to qualify as a mental disorder a delusion has to be much more than just an experience of a paranormal nature or a belief in some aspect of the paranormal.

    Unfortunately most psychiatrist (being medical doctors) are very based in material science and don't bother to educate themselves about anything outside of their field much less psi research.

    There is one book called "psi and clinical practice" (link below) that addresses these issues.


  3. I think most of them ( if not all ) disprove the belief about paranormal...

  4. No one can disprove the paranormal.Deenie,with you're trusting nature.You seem to believe every claim you hear.Do you believe any of the evidence against the paranormal?If so what?Give us a start off point.Maybe we can answer your questions better.There are plenty of books written by psychiatrists and other MDs.All they can do is point out inconsistencies and lack of evidence.Here's one,you can google the author and read some articles.

    Edit.I know,I'd just like to know where you draw the line,

  5. I think perhaps you have the wrong impression of what psychiatrists do. Paranormal activity isn't really there buisness. Psycopathological behavior certainly is.

    But I'd be willing to bet that yes I'm sure somewhere someone has.


    I suppose that depends on what the definition of paranormal is in your book.

    But I'd be willing to bet that they would state that a psyciatrist would say they don't believe what is told to them because there is a lack of evidence that it did happen. You can argue all day that aliens are REALLY good at hiding there probings but I've worked in a hospital with mentally-defiect people long enough to know that common sense should prevail in most of those arguements.

    Anyway, doesn't really answer your question. I don't know they answer but if you find a good book on the subject, let me know.

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