
Have anyone experienced Ghosts?

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I can't really explain my story, its very long. All the houses that I lived where haunted houses (blame my parents). My first house I ever lived was haunted. The ghost wasn't really bad, it was a "good" ghost. There where lots of spirits in the house. Second house was very, very bad. I had been physically hurt lots, lots of times (usaully me). My parents couldn' take it anymore so we left. Third house was the same, we left. Our fourth house was haunted but it wasn't bad. I sometimes get hurt and scared like h**l. I have seen and (still do) lots of stuff that my family member couldn't see at all. I can hear stuff that my family members can't hear. It was h**l in some houses. There where lots of problems with myself. I had a women following me ever since I was born. Have anyone experienced anything like that? My parents think I'm crazy and possessed by Satan. All the stuff that my family experienced was my fault.

It makes me cry, I don't understand why I can't be like the other kids.




  1. have you tried talking to a religious leader about this stuff? i mean there is nothing wrong with a cleansing and a blessing for a house now and then, though my parents would never let me do it. i have a cleasning spell and ritual you can use if you like. and then the blessing actually has to be done by a religious leader, i can't do that and niether can you. i'm working on becoming a paranormal investigator due to all the experiences i have had. i'm being watched right now, i can feel her presence again, though i have only ever actually seen her once, but i once had to cast out something from my house due to it saying my name and freaking me out. you don't have to go to a priest any religious leader who knows anything about this stuff and what to do will be of help, i find it best to leave the catholics and their pathetic and ineffective ways of doing things out of things.

  2. Are you under 18?  B/c honestly there's not much you or anyone else can do to help you until you are an adult if your parents don't agree to it.  

    I'm sorry about your experiences, I know it can be terrifying and confusing and exciting all at once.  I know that it's hard to wonder if you are going crazy, if they are right about you while knowing in your heart that you aren't crazy.  

    Relax is the first thing you need to do, it's also the hardest because you are freaking out, it's obvious in your post.  Then calmly ask them to leave you alone, tell them they are bothering you and your family and they need to leave.  If that doesn't work then you may need to seek spiritual guidance.   Some Christian groups are open-minded enough to try to help without making you feel evil or bad.  If your parents won't support you going in a more paranormal direction there's not a lot you can do about that and it's rough.

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