
Have anything like this every happen to anyone?

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About 7 years ago, I was watching my cousin's son. He was around 10 0r 11. I had my girlfriend over with me. We were watching a movie. We let him go out front and ride his bike. He came running in, saying some took his bike. The boys were up the street. My girlfriend and I went up there to get it back. It was about 6 to 8 ten years olds. They immediately surrounded us, looked us up and down, and started mumbling. I weigh 240 lbs and I'm solid. The whole time I'm thinking, I know they aren't thinking of doing what it looks like they are. What would you have done if your confronted in a situation like this?

Btw- I did ask for their parents, and got some kind of smart *** remark. There were no adults around.




  1. those are trash kids.

    i'll just try to get the bike back and not mess with the kids. they're not worth my time.

  2. well just a simple as this. i would have picked up the phone called the police from the house, told them what happened and let the ploice handle it!

  3. I have a brother who has several punk kids the same age like that in his hood. He caught a couple of them letting the air out of his tires once, then found out they key'd his car. Their parents told him to eff off when he told them what their kids did. Days later, a few of them were riding bikes and started calling him a bunch of names, one of them through a rock at him. I mean, my brother's 30 y/o and lives in fairly decent suburban area. These kids were 9 or 10 tops! Anyway, he paid off a couple of older kids in the neighborhood to chase them down and pepper spray them. They left him alone after that.      

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