
Have been having some weird dreams?

by  |  earlier

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So, I was in the huge area with water. There were different sections of water. We had these tubes that we were shooting things out of. The things we were shooting out were large strips. A lot of my friends were in the water. Then at the end of the dream, I was with my ex boyfriend. We were in a large pool and there was a hot tub next to us. Well, I had to friends in the hot tub. Then me and my ex were up against a pool wall, and I was afraid of drowning so I was holding onto him. Then we started making out.




  1. More than likely this means that you still care about him.

    But still its sorta hard. Your going to have to search for it your self.

    When you holded on to him..... This might mean 2 things. You either holded him because you still like him deep down or you were scared to drown.

  2. alright well the fact that your ex was in all of the dreams means that you still have feelings for him and you are struggleing to let him go. it also shows that you both want to remain friends in some way.

    the pool shows this because pools mean that you need to understand and deal with your emotions. it also represents the need for cleansing or washing away your past.

    not being able to get into the pool shows that you are struggling to do this. that you are wanting to cleanse yourself but something is holding you back.

    hope this helped.

  3. it means you still love him

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