
Have braces can u help me?

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i just got braces and skool starts in 3 weeks i also have to take a pic ID idk how 2 smile i hate showing my braces but if i dont show hem it looks kinda werid help




  1. It's ok:

    For one you can smile without showing your teeth,

    and for two,why'd you hate it,I had braces for 2 years and I always smiled!

    don't make it a big deal :)

  2. I just got braces too, and i also find smiling is difficult... just show your braces... i think it will be ok and then when you get your braces off, take a new picture for it... good luck with the braces:D

  3. post a pic so i can see you

  4. Ok I also have braces...except I got them in March and the DAY AFTER I got them on we had class pics,individual pics,free style pics,all sorts of pics, THE VERY NEXT DAY!Talk about sore...your smile will be a little different...Until you get used to smiling...practice your smile in a mirror or take pictures of yourself with a camera/phone or watever....and find one you like,dont forget to practice ur smile in a mirror at skool!Thats what I did except I didnt have 3 wks!Lol!If you dont want to smile or show your braces,get clear or tooth colored bands (colors) (depending how long you have had them) If you do decide to get one of these colors make sure to stay away from fruit punch and other foods like ketchup that might stain your teeth...And if the bands do stain make sure to hurry up and clean them...also ALWAYS take your toothbrush and your other special brushes!...And dont worry if other people have braces in your skool...It doesnt mean ur a geek it just means you are on your way to getting straight teeth...Dont be self concious,other people who want/need braces willthink they (braces) and/or you are kool!Trust me!Well hope I helped and if you need any more advice on dental/orthodontics/braces/whatever add me im me email me or something!

  5. i dont care that i show my braces im sure people wont make fun of you and if they do just say im sure you will have them one day also but dont worry just take the picture and if you really hate it just dont show it to people only people you know wont make fun of it  

  6. People are probly gonna tell me I'm being shallow or something but...I had braces for four years and I had an ID picture taken each of those years.  I was never ashamed of having braces or anything but looking back at those pictures now I think the ones where I didn't show my teeth look a lot better than the ones where you can see the braces.  

  7. The problem with braces is that they are there for awhile. You can't not smile for a year. (or more) You are going to have to learn to deal with your braces, and that means facing the facts.

    Yes, braces are ugly. There is nothing that you can do about that. You got to wear them otherwise your going to have an ugly smile. (and no one likes ugly teeth) Everyone usually has to wear them though!! You're not the only one out there who is going through the trouble of having to deal with those ugly, painful braces.

    After awhile you won't even notice them! So don't sweat it and just smile your best! Everyone is sure to find out at some point. :)

  8. well i have braces to just show them ppl will know you have them sooner or later just show them if you dont then you will look funny.... it looks wierd cuz with braces it pushes your lips out slightly  so it looks like your trying to kiss someone just show em

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