
Have crows going in chicken hutch and eating eggs?

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Have crows going in chicken hutch and eating eggs?




  1. Crows are thieves. They will rob bird nests(you've seen other smaller birds chasing after them). They eat baby birds and steal eggs from nests and bury the eggs in the ground to eat later. If another crow sees where the egg is buried, it will steal the egg and hide it some other place. I don't know of them eating chicken eggs tho, unless the eggs are laid out in the open fields. Crows usually don't fool with eggs laid by larger birds.

  2. No, crows eat insects and sometimes corn. They do not eat eggs.

  3. Most likley the answer is yes. Crows are extremely intelligent and can work out the best times to raid nests despite the fact they are very vulnerable in an enclosed space. The crow's omnivorous and opportunistic nature helps explain why as a family of birds (Crows, ravens and magpies), these birds tend to nest individually in very isolated and hidden locations. Lone male crows will try and eat the eggs and chicks of a nesting pair if he finds the nest, hoping the pair will abandon it. The male will then have a valuable asset to attract his own mate.

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