
Have employment search firms done much to find you employment or do you do better on your own?

by Guest65575  |  earlier

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What is your biggest complaint/issue with employment search firms?




  1. permanent placement firms have never really helped me - I got my last 4 permanent jobs starting out as a temp - proved myself there and they hired me. - the first 3 wound up downsizing less than 2 yrs after I was hired, but I've been at my current job over 6 yrs including as a temp and I was promoted to Mgmt 4 yrs ago - hope to be able to retire from here in 14-15 yrs

  2. Yes they work very well, the hardest part is catching the attention of a recruiter. Right after college I was successfully quickly placed by Aerotek Scientific in Chicago and 6 months later placed at a higher salary by Kelly Scientific in Houston. Both of these companies took only 2 weeks from initial interview with them, through interview with employer and testing, to starting actual work.

    In my current job search, more mid career, I have had worse luck getting Scientific Recruiter's attention. It's direct hire at this level and pickings (for them) are much slimmer, mainly out of state. So this time around, with 6 years experience, I've had more success searching by myself.

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