
Have england Won The rugby world cup more than once?

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Have England Won the rugby world cup more than once

i know they have won it once but thats it???

Please help??




  1. england have only won the world cup once, sydney 2003 came close last year i felt like crying when they lost they should have won. (the try should have been given)

  2. Yes and NO

    They have won the world cup once. But have made it to three finals, 1991 and 1999.  The Rugby World Cup started in 1987 and the Finalists (winners first) have been:-

    1987 - New Zealand  - France

    1991 - Australia          - England

    1995 - South Africa   - New Zealand

    1999 - Australia         - England

    2003 - England          - Australia

    2007 - South Africa   - France

    However in 1993 England did win the first  World 7's at the Murrayfield building site.  At that time the 7's World Cup was played over 3 days (1 weekend) it was only played in that format once more, at Hong Kong before going to the current Grand Prix style format.

    So in short England's Rugby World cup record is:

    Full game - Won 1

    7's Rugby - Won 1

  3. At 15 a side - they have won the world cup once. But have made it to three finals.

    At 7 a side they won the first world cup. Players like (a very young) M. Dawson, L. Dallagio and some others went and won in Scotland.

  4. dam no only once in australia 2003

  5. Unfortunatley only the once in 2003! But now...with Johnno in this space!

  6. just the once

  7. Yep finalists 3 times but won it only once.

  8. no they have only won it once when jhonny wilkonson scored a dropgoal to save them

  9. Just the once. And us poor bloody Welsh have not heard the last of it.

    They seem to occasionally mention something they won in football in about 1966 too. Not sure what it is though as they barely talk about it.

  10. England have only ever won the Rugby World Cup once, in 2003

    They have lost in the final in 1991 and 2007 though.

    Hope that helps


  11. "i know they have won it once but thats it???" There's only been 6 tournaments!

    South Africa twice, Australia twice, New Zealand once, England once

    Are you by any chance from one of the 2 countries that has won it as many as TWO times?!

  12. yes just the once.  They have lost in the final on two other occassions

  13. No! They have played in 3 finals but only won in 2003! SA & Australia have both won it twice - go SA!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  14. Once more than the Taffs

  15. England have won it once and if they never win it again...we will all still reminded of it on a daily basis.

  16. just once

  17. finalists 3 times but won it only once. England are the only team in the northern hemisphere to have won it.

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