
Have evangelicals lost their minds and souls when it comes to Palin?

by Guest56963  |  earlier

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There is all this hype about her daughter keeping her baby and it's being spun into a huge deal. Her daughter got pregnant out of wedlock and is underage. What happened to "Thou shall not commit adultery?"




  1. errrmm...I think you are confusing adultery with fornication.

    But thanks for the 2 points.

  2. When it comes to Palin?  When it comes to ANYTHING!

  3. <<chanting>>  Jerry!  Jerry! Jerry!  Red state red meat.  The answer to your question is no.  We love trailer parks...

  4. Lost implies they ever had any in the first place.

    You have to get in to get out.

  5. What happened to "Thou Shalt Learn the meaning of words"

    Bristol did commit a sin, but it is not adultery and one of the best thing about being a Christian is that your sins can be forgiven.

    So, Bristol committed one sin by having premarital s*x, do you think that committing another sin of murder would have evened the record ?

    The only one that will lose their souls are the non-believers.

  6. The ironic thing is those evangelicals who are applauding Bristol Palin's brave "decision", while at the same time attempting to take away a woman's right to even have that decision in the first place.

  7. Unfortunately many of my evangelical counterparts are following the republicans because they promise to defend Christian values. However, as George Bush has proved, republicans are only trying to get the evangelical vote.

    Democrats on the other hand are for equality, seek to tend the needs of those around them, tend not to be judgmental and believe and reaffirm free will.

  8. adultery is when a man cheats on his wife or a wife cheats on her husband, has nothing to do with pregnancy's of unmarried people unless they were cheating with married people and that is not the case here please don't start this rumor now.  

  9. There was a time when our clergy stood beside us in labor union marches and women's right to choose. Now they back stab us.

  10. They got that special dispensation for Republicans. A lot of them get that. But.... nooo Rapture for bush. There's a limit.

  11. they are spinning it because they are trying desperately to get the attention off of the unwed teenage pregnancy.  So they are focusing it on the non-abortion........  Only the Republicans are capable of spinning a wrong into a good thing...........  unbelievable..

    they keep this spin up and they will be nominating Palin for mother of the year.  However, same situation reversed and Palin would be a Democrat they would be screaming that she was an unfit mother and that if she was unfit to be a mother, she surely would be unfit to be a V.P.

  12. You are assuming that evangelicals were actually sane in the first place.

  13. Unless the father is married Palin's daughter did not commit adultery..  

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