
Have forstered 6 , 7 week old kittens from cattery to home, starting in kitchen. They are not people friendly

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I took the little ones yesterday. New homes in 2 weeks, how do I help them become people friendly? they are are frightened of me right now, in saying that there is a slight improvement since last night. They are using litter tray, drinking, eating very little. I keep going in every half hour or so but they just run behind their bed, please advise.

Thanks, any tips will be helpful.




  1. This is a quick way to socialize the kittens to the point where at the least you can handle them:

    Put them in a small room with litter box, water, bed, and toys. Don't put food. The room should not have a bed or sofa, etc for them to hide under. Go in at feeding time with wet food. Put the food down and sit near it. Don't try to catch them, just let them find the food and eat quietly. If they don't come to eat in a few minutes, remove the food and leave the room. Go back in few minutes and try again. Every time they eat, move the food closer to you next time. You should be able to pet them while they eat in a few days. After the eating while being petted has been accomplished, work on playing with feather toys. These kittens may never be cuddlebugs but at least you will be able to handle them.


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