
Have frogs decreased in number in your vicinity ?

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By visual presence or by their evening chorus ?




  1. 3000 species of frogs have gone extinct

    tigar frogs are mutating into hermaphrodites,

    as a last resort for survival of their species.

    frogs are the canaries of our water courses ,their skin absorbs pollutants and they die

    overall water contaminations is wiping our frogs world wide

    check a documentary called ,strange days on planet earth

    If you have a lot of frogs it means you are still ecologically sound ,


    are less contaminated than neighboring areas ,and they have escaped to where you are.

  2. Yes,

    I live in Germany, and the local government is taking care

    about decreased number of frogs, since they are very important in the chain of life.

  3. usually the first couple days of the peep frogs is ok, then it drives me crazy. we didnt have them long enough this year to annoy me. kind of missed them actually.

  4. On the Sacramento Delta, I've seen bullfrogs all but completely disappear, and tiny tree frogs grow in number.  This is good, as bullfrogs (though tasty) are a nasty invasive in our neck of the woods.

  5. live in Sudbury in the spring the chorus of Spring Peepers is deafening and now in July we still hear a chorus of frogs or toads every night I think they are doing well

  6. No. I almost stepped on one that was sitting on the sidewalk one recent evening as I was out for a stroll here in Austin, Texas. I did a little dance as it hopped out of the way and just missed squashing it.

  7. Maybe increased. We have these small tree frogs. I noticed 4 in my Hot tub, now a cold tub, and they are back everyday. they seem to be everywhere.

  8. Not so much in number as in diversity. That bothers me more. [SE Pennsylvania, southern NJ]

  9. Amphibians have been decreasing for a long time--a lot longer than we humans have been here.  They used to be the dominant set of organisms on the planet--some were over three feet long.  Today, only three orders remain.

    It's not my fault, and it's not yours either.

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