
Have gas prices hit you as hard as they have hit me and my family?

by  |  earlier

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I now spend over $150 each and every month for the d**n luxory (and privilege) of driving around doing the things I have to do work.




  1. No. My fuel efficient car uses about $40 per month.

    We live in a small town where everything is close, and my work commute is 5 miles round-trip.

    Perhaps you should look into a smaller vehicle.

  2. yes my wife and i spend about $400 a month

  3. Not really.. Just teaches folks to stop driving around trucks that get 8mpg when they aint using them for anything else besides joy riding

  4. I spend the equivilant of $240 to fill up my Opel wagon and BMW here in Italy one time.  I fill both cars at least twice a month so my bill is nearly $500/month.  Gas here is nearly $8 per gallon so you really don't know what expensive gas is yet.  I wish I could get $3 a gallon gas here!

  5. I spend about 200.00 per week for gas in my truck

    1 ton wrecker - with 454ci 108 miles per day + tows

    And about 100.00 per week for the wifes car.

    97 Intrepid - 3.3 litre - 72 miles per day

  6. Yes I agree with everything said so far my question is why are you people not demanding that oil be taken off the stock market?The stock market is the reason gas is so high people artficially manipulating the market so they can make money(speculation)it's not supply and demand as you were led to believe

    I call my congressman and senator and i don't talk nice either but have the feeling i'm getting blown off because enough people aren't doing it

    so please start telling everyone to start doing what i have been doing maybe that will start to change things. But we all have to do it!! so come on people lets start to get the ball rolling

    because I'm tired of giving my hard earned money to greedy people who have to many rooms in their house that goes unused but they want more you know what i mean Greed with a capital G!!! P.S.what are you people stupid over there in italy or what  8.00 dollars a gallon

    i'd get together and throw out your leaders if i was you there's no reason in the world why you should have to pay that much seems to me the whole problem that's causing this mess is the middle east you know that opec cartel well seems to me we can and should form FPEC>

    food producing exporting countries and start charging them for food and technology, by really raising prices artifically like they do when they get together and cut production in order to raise prices allnon-opec nations should get together and do this also if you have new energy technology give it away freely why ? because oil will be virtually worthless.Not trying to cut you down Italy just enrages me when someone says just be glad your not paying prices like what they pay over there you should'nt be paying that much either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. yes

  8. I bought a Yaris and it's great -- I spend about $60/mo on gas (I walk as much as I can but use the car for work).  I recommend them to anyone looking for a new car.

  9. Definitely

    Have you noticed the price of almost everything is rising due to the cost of fuel?

    It has to get to the stores somehow.

  10. luxury - and you are lucky to be living in a country with gas prices half that of several other countries

  11. Yes, my fiance drives up to school (2 hours away) 2-3 days a week.  We spend $300 a month just for that.

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