
Have had conflicting answers to being able to poison weeds, is it ok. to spray roundup when rain is expected?

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Have had conflicting answers to being able to poison weeds, is it ok. to spray roundup when rain is expected?




  1. it is ok but there should be a period of time before the rain..bottle should indicate how long......

  2. Joel is right but the best time I've found to spray roundup is in the heat of the day.This works great.

  3. Of course it is ok, but it is going to dilute the fluid isnt it and as you dont know how much rain there is going to be you dont know how much it is going to be diluted.Too much rain and it will not work as well  if it works at all

  4. There are several concentrations or strengths of round up, most of them say on the front "rainproof in 15 or 30 minutes" etc. I have had fastest results applying in the morning on a hot sunny day, but I've also applied on a cool cloudy evening- It still works, but it takes several days to get a full kill of the weeds. If rain is predicted the next day, you're surely fine, however if you hear the thunder rolling in AS you're spraying, I'd quit since it might not be as effective without adequate time to soak into the leaves...and water might run the chemical off of the weeds and actually kill grass or plants you wanted to keep.

  5. In a word NO. The label on my Roundup bottle says.. DO NOT use if rain is expected within 12 hours....I think that is pretty clear.

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