
Have high heels damaged your feet in any way?

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Have high heels damaged your feet in any way?




  1. Just blisters on my the back of my heels, but other than that no :)

  2. YEESSS!!

    well i have this designer pair which i absolutely LOVE!!

    and i practically live in high heeled shoes soo.

    anyway from wearin these ridiculous shoes (as my dad calls them!) my big toes on each foot have been bent in alot on each foot which has totally ruined my feet even though they aren't at all painful!

  3. yes they have! I am only 17 but i wear heels the whole time and i am sure they have put them through some damage!

  4. not at all  

  5. No!  Not at all.  In fact, my paralyzed foot is looking forward to sliding into a nice pump when it recovers.

  6. i cannot wear them for more than 30-45 minutes at a time without being in horrible pain that will last a few days if i wear them any longer than that.

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