
Have humans really evolved? we destroy the world around us, yet we still think we are evolved?

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we should face the facts we were made for war all animals out there die from preditors but not humans?




  1. hmmmmm...maybe the fact we have reached that point where we can destroy our own environment consciously means that we are evolved, but have somewhere to go.

  2. humans have evolved, yet humans do die from predators.  still, even the stupidest among us rank as geniuses among the greatest of ape minds.  yet, the brighest among us are no better equipped to answer the great questions than a single celled organism.

    to be less cryptic, the answer to your question is in your question.  what other animal has the capacity to destroy the planet?  our power is evidenced in the ignorant ways in which we wield it.  we have truely evolved in ability, knowledge and scope of influence beyond what any other creature we know.  is the ride over?  I hope not, but only time will tell.

  3. Unfortunately yes humans have evolved, only to find ways of killing easier and in the natural course of things, the animals go too.

  4. Thats actually a very good question. We are taught right from the begining that we evloved but no one really talks about the flaws in the theory. Scientific theories have flaws.

    If humans really evolved from monkeys and apes, how is it that the intemediate ones have become extinct they are supposed to be better than the monkeys and apes right??

    the truth is its a flawed concept and there are huge evidences present to reveal its flaws but scientists do not want to admit it because doing so will put them in a very awkward situation, where they really have no answer to how species have come on this earth.

    have a look at this site

  5. No humans have not evolved. We do not come from primates nor have primates evolved from fish. The Darwin theory has always lost to the Bible thus proving it faulty. But no we do not have a mind set that is based on destruction and turmoil. We are not created for war and demolition, else humans would not have the capacity to love and cherish. Think of your family, the average family consists of 2 parents and 2.5 children (simply an average) Your parents did not teach you since you were a child to kill and destroy animals and people. Rather they taught you to enjoy the world and perserve it. Usually a family will have at least one pet in their lives, be it gold fish to dog to goat. But you most likely had a pet, did you frequently beat your pet or did you cherish it and love it? In conclusion we are not meant for war but rather: if we take the time, we are meant to love.

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