
Have humans really invented anything? or are they just copying nature?

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  1. I think we should give humans a little credit. It is true that most of the things invented uses other components that already existed, but still, to create or to invent it is not an easy task. Let’s take for example a computer, I don’t think nature would have invented a computer and its components in a million years.

  2. I haven't noticed any cars or computers in nature ....

  3. We didn't copy from nature. We exploited it and gained from it. Humans are the only species that change its environment to suit its purpose. We took a rock, hewed it into into a round shape, and called it a wheel. That's an invention we made, nature didn't have that.

    We've even made new elements that cannot be usually found in nature (e.g Polonium).

  4. i like to think of both. for example, math is the natural law of nature that humans have "discovered" rather than found. which leads us to "invent" symbols to represent the laws.  

  5. dunno

  6. And there are a lot of synthetic fibers not found in nature. Don't forget styrofoam and aluminum.

  7. Humans invent.  They create structures not found in nature.

  8. the difference between humans and animals is that people change their environment to suit them, and animals evolve to suit the environment. i don't see any cranes or cars in nature.

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