
Have i any rights regarding false selling on a car purchase?

by  |  earlier

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i recently purchased a car under the impression the car had just been fitted with a new gearbox and clutch. 5 months later and no longer under the dealers warranty the gears and clutch have just gone. After phoning the dealer he is still stating that it had a new gearbox and clutch. Being past the dealers warranty period do i have any rights to get the work done or a refund. surely a new gearbox and clutch would`nt fail so soon.




  1. Here is the problem all used cars unless they have a written warranty are considered an "AS-IS" sale and it's up to you to have someone inspect the vehicle before hand to make sure the car is what the person "private or dealer" says it is! Ever here of the old saying "buyer beware?" About the only thing that can save you is if the dealer did something underhanded like turn back the odometer or failed to provide a clean and clear title can you get your money back. I'm not saying don't try! Heck Judge Judy or whoever? In small claims court might take pity on you? Just don't count on it!  

  2. Of course a new clutch and gearbox can fail that soon. Does it happen very often? No, but I've heard of it happening with brand new cars. Just talk to the service manager (nicely) and maybe they will be willing to help out with the cost of fixing this problem.  

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