
Have i fractured my arm?

by  |  earlier

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On wednesday i was at thorpe park when i whacked my arm on a ride as it started. The ride was called Stealth. The ride was around 10 seconds long. When i got off i looked at my arm and saw a bruise there. I was a little worried as it had come up quite soon but my dad said he didn't think it was serious.

I went home and woke up the next morning to find the bruise was now the width of the bottom of my arm and around 9cm long. It was also swollen.

It is still like it now. The bruise is a blue/purple colour and is red hot. The swelling still hasn't gone down. I can still straighten my arm and use my hand although throwing is a little painful.

What do you reckon? Have i fractured my arm?




  1. You need to go to the doctor it could be a fracture, yes.

  2. ask your doctor

  3. Possibly. I fractured my elbow in 2 places when I was little. I felt NO pain at all, and I could still move my arm a little but it was very shaky. You possibly could have, my arm never bruised. So just because you feel no pain doesn't mean its not fractured. Go see a doctor. And YES I do know my arm was fractured because I went to the doctor and was in a cast for a couple of weeks. I had surgery on my elbow to fix the bone. I've got the scar.

  4. It is a possibility that you have fractured it. You need to have your mom or dad take you to the hospital for an x-ray ASAP to avoid further injury.  

  5. Only a trip to your hospital for an x ray will give you the answer :)

  6. Color: As bruises are no more than blood under the skin the color is normal and healthy.

    Size: A hard enough whack will create a substatial amount of blood which will lead to this, nothing to worry about.

    Heat: This is actually a sign that it is healing. Don't worry about that.

    Fracture: Possible. you can fracture your arm without it hanging off or not being able to move. I would get it X-Rayed

    Throwing: Either a brusied muscle (most likely injury) or a fracture could influence this. You definatly have the first, the second is for and XRay machine to decide, and I don't mean the iPhone app, the real thing. You could have even chipped the bone.

    I would go see a doctor if the swelling is not going down and/or if throwing is still painful a week after the injury.

  7. no a fracture is a medical term for a break and if ur arm was broken you would be in alot of pain and wouldnt be able to move ur arm

  8. You did not fracture your arm. You may have bruised the bone which would explain the swelling and the big bruise. Or you may have cracked your bone (sprain). I would recommend icing it at least twice a day for 1 hour each time. Once the swelling goes down your arm should start to feel better.If not call your local doctor.

  9. I doubt its broken. I've bust my arm twice and trust me when it happens you know

  10. this is exactly what X-Rays are for

  11. You may have given it a hairline fracture or chipped the bone.  The swelling should have gone down by now if it was just a hard bump. You don't always feel severe pain if it's just chipped or a slight fracture.  If you can use your hand its a good sign though.  Don't throw anything for now if it's causing pain.

    Go to the hospital for an xray just to be certain.  

    Good luck.


  12. i dont think you have broke it

    probably badly bruised.

    too much info tho err im sqremish

    put ice on it and take pain killers

    go the the hospital if the swelling doesnt go down anytime time soon or if ur finger nails go purple or you carnt move your arm or fingers

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