
Have i got a STD or not? smelly p***s.?

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Recently iv been concerned about having a smell downbelow area.

Its only after a long day it smells. After shower it doesnt.

Its mostly under my testicles it smells. Sometimes sweaty but not all the time. The smell isnt strong. Its barely noticeable but it is annoying :|. If i dont do anything the day before or the night. Ill wake up in the morning and it will smell. But not sweaty.

Is this a STD? Im still a virgin and im thinking of staying that way if the smell continues.




  1. Shower more..

  2. It's normal for both men and women to have a "smell" to their private parts. Especially after a long day. Before bed (or after your evening shower) put some baby powder on, that should help some. Sounds to me like it is normal, and not a STD. Especially since you are a virgin, although STD's can be transmitted other ways.

  3. You are just growing up.  Wash frequently now that you are getting to be more of an adult and sweat more.

  4. It isn't your gear that smells bad Dude!

    In the groin, like the fold of the thigh just beside your ball sack, there are lymph nodes, just like under your arm pits! The lymphatic system is part of your imune system, and removes toxins from the body, out through the pores fo the skin in that area. Bacteria that is all around us attacks those expelled toxins brought up by sweating, and causes an odor. It's the same as what happens under your arms. It's a different odor, because these are different toxins from a different part of the body.

    It's OK if you come off more often or what ever you want. Your showering takes care of that aspect. When you wash around your k**b, use a mild body wash or shampoo and rinse completely away after, because water alone won't do it. The area under the crown and toward the fernulum produces oils to help keep the k**b from becoming dried and desensitised. Body wash or gentle shampoo takes away old oils, so that fresh ones can replace it.

    One thing that helps is a stick deooderant, like Axe, applied right in the joint area where the joint skin folds in the groin, but not on your balls or s*****m. Your ball and sctotum won't have a bad smell.

    I said deoderant, and not an antiperspirant! There are products in an antiperspirant like aluminum that will irritate.

    You have no std Man, and yur a are good healthy Dude!

    Lots of stuff described here, but wanting the best for you Man

    Me! :- )

  5. It's not an STD but everyone has a different bacterial combination/cocktail on their skin. What might have happened is you hooked up with a girl that has an unfamiliar bacterial mix. These bacteria grow in the wet and warm areas of your body like that and leave a residue that can smell. She wouldn't notice it because she's had that bacterial combo all her life but since it is unfamiliar to you you will notice it. It takes time to get rid of and if you stop hooking up then it will definetly go away after a certain period of time. Or you might get used to it too after a REALLY long time.

  6. Since you haven't had s*x you don't have a STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease).

    You probably have a tendency to sweat quite a bit in the pubic area.  Quite understandable since it's summer, it's always covered up, and you're working hard.  We wouldn't have some of these problems if social nudity was acceptable ... oh well ...

    Sometimes you'll notice the smell when you aren't wet because the smell comes from bacterial wastes.  When the sweat evaporates most of the bacteria die, but their wastes still remain and cause the smell.

    Continue showering twice a day if necessary.  Try putting some cornstarch in a covered bowl and taking it into your bathroom.  After you bathe and dry yourself, take a pinch of the cornstarch and spread it all over you s*****m and inner thighs.  This will help you stay dry between showers.  You can also put on some more if you feel damp during the day.

    And for the record, if you're an intact male, you don't need to scrub with soap under your f******n.  Just some warm clean water is sufficient to do the job.  And your body doesn't use sweat to get rid of toxins.  Those are disposed of through urine and f***s.  The other chemicals that come out with the sweat are pheremones.

  7. lol its puberty, its rly annoying. I control it by using a "deodorant" made especially for down there =D

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