
Have i reinjured my knee or am i paranoid...?

by  |  earlier

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ok i had surgery on my knee just about 3 months ago and things were going ok until last week... i tripped and since then my knee has been swollen and very painful... at first i just thought that it was sore but it has been a little over a week and my knee isnt feeling any better, i have noticed recently that when i go up the stairs my knee feels as though it may slip and sometimes when i am going down stairs my knee will shift(had done this OCASSIONALY,since the surgery) but has been doing it more often... i called the dr today and set up an appointment for the 10th, which is the next one availble that i could go to...

im just wondering if anyone thinks i may have reinjured it or if im just being a little paranoid(since before the surgery i had such a problem), and if so what do u think i may have done





  1. You tripped and injured you knee, and you have pain. If you hadn't had a fall and you were feeling pain then yes maybe you would be paranoid but pain is always a sign that theres something thats not right. You made a great choice by setting an appointment up with your doc. Its hard to say what you done to your knee and if its possible that you have caused trauma to the inside because I dont know what kind of surgery that you had to your knee, but even though 3 months sounds like a long time, our bodies dont heal on the inside after surgery for awhile because the tendons, muscles, and ligaments all have to form back together, and if you hit your knee and interrupted this healing process it could cause your pain. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Try heating the area and see if that brings you comfort until you can see your doctor.

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