
Have mayans made previous predictions that would suggest their right about 2012?

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did they ever predict the world would end and we'd die or is it just the start of something harmless?

what have they predicted before?




  1. In the past the Mayans have perfectly predicted eclipses and other things like them. They were almost never wrong about their predictions. So, one might think they have correctly predicted the world will end. But, we can now predict events much better than the Mayans, and no scientists think the world will end. The world will not end in 2012.

  2. look maya people were most advanced .

    they used five celestial bodies for their calculation and predictions theuer predications have been true if we modify our perpective to view the happenings in todays world as per their predicatons , what i mean is they didt have word for plane , tsunami etc then.

    their calander ends on dec 2012

    look calender is a perpetual thing it goes on it can never end

    but what they meant was the five basic thing they used to calculate chocked up and they could not predict for dates beyond........

  3. 0. The Maya predicted the return of "Kukulcan" a white bearded god from the East, who had assisted them in setting up their great civilization; Thought to be a survivor of the legendary Atlantis. The Spanish conquistadors arrived on queue. It would appear the Maya were not expecting a god that would nearly wipe them out since they welcomed the conquistadors with open arms.

    1. The Maya predicted the existence of a black hole at the center of our Galaxy, a black hole they called "HUNAB KU"; their central sun and creator of all. In recent years, Modern Science confirmed the existence of a black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

    2. The Mayan Calendar predicted a total solar eclipse in 1999, it occurred on schedule.

    3. The Mayan Calendar predicted an eruption of cosmic energy rays from the back hole would occur in 1992, twenty years prior to 2012. This energy would help create aggressive sun spots and bring increasingly hotter temperatures to Earth. We are now witnessing the affects now and our pollution is only making things worse. The cosmic energy rays were witnessed and confirmed in 2004.

    4.The Mayan Calendar predicted a change of consciousness from left-brain thinking to right-brain thinking (Logical to Intuitive) in the same time period as above. Further, some deduced the melt down of the worlds paper currencies in a period between Nov. 2007 and Oct. 2008 as humanity loses confidence in the abstract (paper currency) and embraces the more concrete, such as gold and other precious metals : They are both in process.

    There is no "End of the World" Maya prophecy; Rather, they predict an "End of the World as we know it". Great changes are expected to happen, including more natural disasters followed by a change in consciousness and a time of peace.


    Here is a summary of my research into the Mayan Calendars and their predictions for the time leading to Dec. 21, 2012.


    The following cycles are most relevant to what may occur in 2012. There is the 25,625 year "Galactic Day" and the 5,125 year "Long Count"(Great Cycle). Both of these are set to END and RESTART on the Winter Solstice of 2012 (11:00 UST Dec. 21, 2012):

    Let's start with the "Galactic Day". As we travel around the Milky Way galaxy, it is my understanding that we do not remain at a constant distance nor at the same orientation in relation to the black hole at its center;  a black hole the Maya refer to as the supreme creator, "HUNAB KU". Instead, we move closer and further from this black hole.  As we move in closer, we simultaneously become aligned  with the Milky Way's equator or "The Tree of Life" as the Maya call it.  Upon doing so, we may become exposed to "HUNAB KU's" opposing magnetic forces which would cause our Sun to eject intense solar flares and Earth to experience a magnetic pole reversal (Pole Shift).  In the years that we have been furthest away from ,"HUNAB KU", we have been dense low vibrating energy and have been experiencing our dark spiritual years: These years have been part of the "Galactic Night".  As we move closer, we become higher vibrating energy and spiritually enlightened beings: These years pertain to the "Galactic Day". We are currently in transition from Night to Day. The complete cycle takes 25,625 years; approximately the same as what modern science has calculated and named "The Precession Of The Equinox Cycle".

    Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day

    The Precession Of The Equinox Explanation (Galactic Day)

    The "Long Count" evenly divides the "Galactic Day" into five equal parts (25,625 years / 5 = 5,125 years). It is my understanding that this cycle also coincides with a natural rhythmic beat that is derived from the black hole at the center of the galaxy in the form of an energy pulse. This energy pulse presumably has multiple effects on us and our surroundings. It not only helps us to become enlightened beings for twenty years, but can reek havoc on Earth by creating larger solar flares which can bring drought, famine, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and tsunamis. Twenty years prior to this event, in a period the Maya refer to as "The Time of No-Time",  mild energy spurts, from "HUNAB KU",  create a shift in consciousness; from left-brain thinking to right-brain thinking (from logical to intuitive). This shift can be experienced all at once or gradually at first moving exponentially as we approach the end of the cycle.

    Mayan Long Count (Great Cycle)

    Long Count Calendar (The  Aztec Calendar Stone / Mayan Sunstone)

    There is one more Mayan Calendar I could share with you called "The Nine Underworlds". It is one of the more recently rediscovered calendars and may be the most important one, in so far as the 2012 prophecies are concerned.  It is a calendar that has recorded the state of consciousness from the beginning of time (The Big Bang) to Dec. 21, 2012.  At which time, we will have supposedly consciously evolved to completeness to become co-creators with "HUNAB-KU":  It maps out "creation" if you will.   Humans will be exposed to a cosmic energy that will facilitate enlightenment. In this state of higher consciousness, we will recognize that all matter, plant, animal, mineral are bound as one. This realization will mark the end of wars.

    The Nine Underworlds of Creation

    Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled (part 1 of 3)

    Additional Sources

    "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.

    "Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time : The Mayan Calendar"

    by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.

  4. It's just the end of the Mayan calendar. They probably thought that 2012 was eons away, and now it's here.

    Doesn't mean the end of the world.

    Sorry dude.

  5. whatever they predicted, they seem to have missed the collapse of their civilization; that makes me doubt their abilities

  6. I dont believe in God nor in Black magic...

    If there is anything called Prediction and it is coming true....

    I think people need not have discovered anything..

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