
Have most scientists recently distanced themselves from the premises of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"?

by Guest56852  |  earlier

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Six months ago I cancelled my subscription to the newspaper. Living in New Orleans, I found it a good adjunct to my Lexapro for depression. Now I'm told that I missed the news that most scientist have recently distanced themselves from global warming theories. Can you please help bring me up to speed.




  1. Dude.   Let's look at the facts:

    - Al Gore is up for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    - There is near complete agreement among experts that climate change is due to human activities.

    Please stop listening to ill-informed conservative talk radio personalities as a primary news source. Most seem to have political agendas. Do they bother with fact checkers?

  2. LOL! ... They had been backing away from the theory long before Al made his propaganda movie.

    Very few scientists will even entertain the argument that it is possible man can effect climate.

  3. Lol, the person who told you that has to be off his or her rocker. A lot of scientists agree that there is global warming. More and more evidence is firming up the 'theory' (sorry that might be a bad word for it). I wonder why the person told you this. Are you sure he or she isn't mental or something? Does this person go to school???

    Anyways.. @_@

  4. Not so much the premises as the hyperbole and fear mongering.

  5. Scientists have criticized some relatively minor details of "An Inconvenient Truth".  But, even as they did so, they expressed agreement with the basic premise; global warming is real and mostly caused by us.

    Their criticism can be important in discussing specific things the movie says will happen (such as increased frequency of hurricanes, or the magnitude of the sea level rise), it is not an argument that global warming is not real and mostly caused by us.

  6. Scientist are no where near a "consensus" about GW, nor have they ever been.  (Besides, consensus has no place in Science... consensus belongs to the pseudo-science of politics.  A thing is accepted as fact (law) in Science if it can be observed, predicted and experimentally repeated.  GW doesn't fit that definition.)  

    Top Scientist are calling Gore a "gross alarmist":

    "'He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about,' William Gray said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans (surprised you missed this), where he delivered the closing speech." (read story on link below)

    Almost 20,000 who disagree with GW! (petition link below)

    The only scientists I know of who are absolutely certain of GW are those whose financial or political future depends on it.

  7. Last Friday, the New York Times reported that UN scientists have completed their study of global warming and have prepared a 1576 page document that attributes global warming to the activities of human beings on this planet.  Al Gore has no affiliation with these scientists and had no hand in the preparation of this report which serves as proof that he was right all along.

    Al Gore is to be well respected for his persistence in delivering this message in spite of the derision and opposition that he has too frequently experienced.  Too, he has been able to turn his defeat by George Bush into a positive energy with which he began to explore an avenue for the betterment of mankind.  He should be applauded by all.

  8. Someone's been feeding you false information.

    More and more scientists are accepting that global warming is largely due to human activity.  Rather than distancing themselves from GW theories they've been substantiating them.

    There are some inaccuracies in 'An Inconvenient Truth' but the underlying principle isn't challenged.  Similarly there are inaccuracies in the science that suggests the world is round, that aeroplanes can fly and that people can even exist - it doesn't prevent them from being fact.

    I'd suggest that you request verifiable sources from whoever gave you that information.

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