
Have no friends, please help?

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I have like no friends except for like 1 or 2 that are like acquaintances. I am a really nice outgoing person and live in an area where there are not many of them. I get people c**p taken out on me. I just don't know how to stand up for myself. I am depressed and never have anything to do on the weekends. I go to camp during the week which is okay, but then i haven't had like any plans this weekend. Any advice?




  1. how old are you?

  2. Consult with a mental health professional. Counseling should give you the courage to stand up for yourself, feel good about yourself, make more friends, and feel better about being alone!

  3. Hi friend, you may think at the moment you have no friends but you would be surprised how many friends you actually do have, it's your depression preventing you from communicating with other people, i suffered for many years, not knowing others actually cared for me.

    Get yourself together, at the weekends why not get up and take yourself out for a nice long walk, be polite say hello to others and they may have a chat, i do it very often, it's better then staying in bed or watching tv, once you get into a routine of getting up early, taking walks, chatting to neighbours, in my case i walk the dog, time no longer drags, infact i cannot believe how quickly each day and week passes.

    At present i have no friends i can visit etc but give it time and i know i will be welcomed by people.

  4. Yea, come hang out with me cause I'm the same way. lol.

  5. If you have the rare personality that i think you have the web site bellow is a place where you can find rare personalities like yourself.There are many in the world who feel alone or think they are ill because they behave differently then most.You are not alone and you are not ill.

    It is a very nice place to be.I am personally a member there.

    There are no lies,insults,anger,arrogance,harassment there but a family ready to take you in.

  6. I think that you should get involved with something on the weekends. Do something fun that will help you meet people that are interested in the same things as you are. Try horseback riding lessons, or hiking groups. There are all kinds of group and community activities on the weekends that are free or really inexpensive. Check the newspaper, community center bulletin boards, and your city/town's website.

    Also, volunteering is a great way to do something fun and helpful, and to make new friends.

    When I was a teenager I volunteered at the local Animal Shelter every single Saturday. It was so awesome! I got to walk dogs and play with kittens, and really help out animals that needed it. I learned a lot about training and grooming and animal care, and I met other teenage girls that were also volunteering. We had a lot of fun, and no matter how bad you feel animals are always happy to see you and never judge you!

    I also got a job when I was 15, and made a lot of good friends that way! There are some cool places to work, you don't have to stick to fast food. Pet stores, Vet hospitals, movie theaters, and restaurants are all fun places to work part-time.

    Get out there and do things for yourself, and you'll meet people who enjoy the same things!

    Good luck!

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