
Have other women had dreams that involve another woman?

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LOL I know, weird question but a few nights ago, I had this outrageous dream that I was... er... how should I say this? ... I was going down on Cameron Diaz.. LOL Crazy dream considering the fact that I am in no way attracted to women sexually.




  1. Its very normal to have dreams that are far fetched and unrealistic. It dosent necessarily mean anything either. If you were attracted to women, either sexually or mentally your not conscious of it so it really shouldn't effect the way you live your life day to day.

  2. Haha YES! Weird as h**l. It could be emphasizing your masculine side, maybe you are overly aggressive or maybe you aren't aggressive enough. Masculine focuses on the physical (reality vs intuition)  while te feminine dwells on the mental (communication vs just taking something you need). A person has both traits, some more than others.

  3. You are NORMAL.  I used to dream about Rock Hudson until I found out he was as q***r as a three dollar bill.

    Now I dream about my lovely wife.

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