
Have people actually died before from staring and haunted pics?

by  |  earlier

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you know those pictures that are posted on youtube to scare you. The descriptions says stuff like you will die after watching this, has it ever happened before




  1. not that i ever heard of. mainly because the faint hearted are usually old people that dont know how to type let alone use a computer

  2. No, that's pretty much just like chain letter stuff like, " E- mail this to some odd friends or this ghost will kill you tonight" type of nonsense.

  3. No one has ever died from something like that...

    Just to be fair, if you had a bad heart and it scared you REALLY bad, there is a chance you could have a heart attack...but very unlikely...

  4. No, it's all nonsense.  If you die after watching it, how did the person who first saw it survive long enough to post the thing on youtube?

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