
Have people forgotten how to have fun, is satire dead?

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Writting a silly question here is easy, getting a serious answer is way too common. Answering with a question with a witty yet incorrrect answer is like killing your favorite uncle




  1. Are you saying it's funny to kill your favorite uncle but incorrect to do it?  Your questions pretty good but the analogy either sucks or I don't get or the other.

  2. i think you should keep your uncle around and kill off his nosey wife who tells all  your personal business and gets you into trouble at the family reunions.  

    like the time she told everyone how you liked to wear her makeup and underwear and try to sell kool-aide pops outside on the picnic table.

    oh wait, that was MY aunt who did that to My brother...never mind.  okay what was the question?

  3. Do you want me to kill my favourite uncle? If I say no, is that incorrect but still witty?  I'm serious about this.

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