
Have people lost interest in the Iraq War?

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I used to see people get really outraged about the loss of life, both in our troops and the innocent bystanders in Iraq, but in my opinion, it seems that most people have now come to accept it. I realize that we are powerless to do anything about it, but at least one knew that if enough people protested about the war, that maybe something would be done about it.




  1. yes

  2. yes they have, i didn't read the big paragraph u wrote, i wasn't interested enough, thus proving my own point

  3. We are suppose to have cheap gas by now and is on the countrary the gas prizes are higher than ever.,the true is that some people are getting richer with this war and even the soldiers keept their mouths close. So if they don't have the courage to stop this mess why would we as civilians have to be concern ? Bush should told the Real True about the war and we can truly support our troops.

  4. People don't really care. They want to move on with their lives just like normal people do. They feel powerless to effect changes on whats happening around them that apathy creeps in just to feel alright and "normal".

  5. They will, then we can do whatever we want.

  6. most people don't even know the real reasons for why we are in Iraq, that's the truth.

    People can only learn so much from the media, who dumbs things down and reports only main things and dwells on them constantly . People do not want to constantly hear these things. Find a way to present the information to the American people and tell them how it affects them as A WHOLE, then the majority would be interested.

    But we're not, many have lost interest. When we are attacked again, then people will be interested in our foreign policy. When World War 3 starts, then people will be interested.

    Clearly, this isn't good enough. ugh.

  7. Thank God not the people who count.  The whining liberals never did have any interest in it.

  8. People are apathetic, so yes many choose to forget.

  9. I think people are tired of it, and want it to end. It'll be the main issue in the 2008 election, and when the Republicans lose, they can chalk it up to Iraq.  People aren't outraged and taking to the streets, but they are sick of it and they're disgusted in the Republicans for starting it and continuing to support staying there, and they're disgusted with the Democrats for not having the backbone to follow through with their promises and put a stop to it.

  10. I think people are so sick and tired of the lies, all the misinformation, all the, if you don't support us then you are against us attitude. Of course all this is exactly what the bush people want. They can now be more dirty and underhanded than before with less and less oversight, not that they had any over sight to begin with. Congress/Senate are full of spineless cowards.

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