
Have people really digested what Michelle Obama said last night?

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Granted, liberals are blind to anything their Messiahs said, but I am wondering if other people have caught onto the Obamas' proposal of a New World Order?




  1. What Michelle Obama spewed last night was already digested.

  2. Oh please do enlighten us with your insight and vast knowledge that certainly extends well beyond anything that any of us mere mortals could comprehend!

  3. I don't know anyone who is watching these conventions. It doesn't matter much what politicians say anyway...

    Given the two choices (getting kicked in the nuts or fully castrated) I think America will chose the less painful (I hope anyway!)

    America needs to wake up and end all this two party control! Why does the greatest country on earth only have 2 people to chose from???  

  4. Both Rep. and Dems have been pushing the NWO (New World Order) and I wonder why you are surprised.  As for Miss Obama last night I thought she did a great job even though I am not voting for her husband.

  5. No, I haven't fully digested what she said. It's still lodged somewhere in my small intestines.

  6. No, I don't think anyone heard that part.

    But I do remember a guy by the name of Ann Coulter saying that Canada invaded Vietnam and Iraq, which is incorrect.  Also saying other absurd and inacurate things...I wonder why anyone would take him seriously?

  7. Hard to believe anyone would actually make me think Teresa Kerry would have been a better first lady, but it has happened.

  8. +1 for MikeSnake. I would totally support the genocide of people like him/her/it/whatever.

  9. If he gets elected, I just hope this country can be repaired after his 4 years.

  10. your questions makes no sense.

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