
Have people you know who passed on to the spirit world visited you in your dreams?

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Have people you know who passed on to the spirit world visited you in your dreams?




  1. Yes I had a dream about a friend I lost touch with & in the dream his face was messed up so I decided to look his name up on yahoo & I came across a news article & obit that he had died in a car crash this summer.

  2. yep,thats how they contact you............

  3. Yes, and it is driving me mad because I don't know what they want, if anything.

  4. Sure all the time.Just because they're dead doesn't mean I've forgotten them.They're not spirits, just pleasant memories.

  5. Unless they had visited us, how would we have known that they had "passed on to the spirit world?" (

    Lots of people have "visited" me in my dreams. If they told me in a dream that they had undergone such a passing, I'd assume (when I woke up) that the idea came from the same place as the rest of my dreams - measurable electrochemical activity in my brain.

    Do you mean dead people? If you mean that, yes, I dream about loved ones who have died now and then. Usually more frequently just after they die.


  6. A Day or so after my brother was killed, I was awakened early. I thought I heard my brother saying to me 'Dude, hurry up your going to be late' I told him to s***w off. But then I was wide awake when I realized he could not have been there, because he was dead.

  7. Yes, a number of times my deceased parents have visited me in my dreams, but only one of them at a time.

  8. I dream of people alive and dead.

  9. It's never happened to me, but dreaming about the deceased is very common, perhaps universally so.

  10. Yes, my sister has visited me a few times since her passing. Her dream visits are different than a dream, in the fact that she talks to me about things that have happened since she passed. When I dream about her it's just idle things like us playing tag or family visits, etc. Random things, but not anything communicative.

  11. i had a dream of my mom, and in this dream, she was in h**l. THis dream, she had a beautiful home, but could only go in through a small hole, like Alice in wonderland.She could not fit, and was told that true faith would open the door and let her in. i tried and was successfully let in, because I had faith, and her lover ( I did not know my mother was bi,till after the dream,) and I were talking about h**l. My father was there, and he told me that I had to be good and love the Lord, and they would not bother me anymore. I didn't smell sulfur, nor was it hot, but I was told that our fears made up our h**l. I awoke and told hubby and i still freak about the dream.

  12. I have had three dreams about my Grandma.  I was very close to her and miss her terribly.  Not long after she died I had a dream that she came to me and was sitting at the end of my bed.  She woke me in my dream and I was shocked to see her.  I asked her what she was doing here and she told me that I was the only one that understood and that she wanted me to know that she was ok.  In the next dream I was over at my moms and walked out on her deck.  She was sitting at a table playing cards with some relatives I asked her what she was doing and she said nothing just came down for a little visit.  The last dream was similar except that it was during an annual get together that we have at my moms.  I got to her house and was walking up the steps and my grandma was standing there.  I grabbed her and hugged her and again asked her what she was doing here and she told me she just missed everyone and wanted to see how we were doing.  She had to be back at midnight though.  I woke up crying from all three.  The dreams were spread out.  I don't know that they mean anything other than I miss her.

  13. yes, i have had visits from my dad, brother, grandfather and my aunt.  the dreams were always in color and always very detailed and i am aware that my loved ones are passed over.  like at some point in the dream i usually ask, 'hey, aren't you dead?'

  14. Yes my dear,

    In particular, one lady gave me, what I thought at the time, a very strange message. This was at least 20 years ago. It turns out, the message makes sense now, that I hear more and more people are getting it.  I happened on a TV show about a guy that was struck by lightning, and got a vision. I heard what his vision was and it was about the same thing as the message that I heard. I e-mailed the show, and I told them what I got years ago, and he said, "Yeah, we get a lot of people calling in about the same thing, seeing visions or dreams about this." The great pyramid has a similar message, I had read about it years after the dream.

  15. Personally I think this question would be better off in either the religion or mythology section.

    To answer you question yes I have been visited many times by those who have passed on by entering my dreams. the skeptic will explain away these as simply your subconscious thinking about these people and why you dream about them.

  16. My father has visited me in my dreams in times when I have felt anxious about certain situations...He would tell me that everything will be all right, and that there are some other people watching over me

  17. You know Miller,

    The day before my grandmother died, I had a dream.

    This dream was me talking and communicating with the dead!

    so here goes:

    "The dead were pointing me to a house across a lake. No my grandmother did not live in a house across a lake,but this house was my grandmother's home.

    They told me: "something happened here","someone died",she's in there", go help her", "over there,over there" they kept saying to me. they all turned around in the hundreds and pointed to the house. As one gentle soul walked me to the house he held my hand and was whispering words so faint, I didnt make it out.; We arrived at the house but before I opened the door to walk in,

    I awoken the next morning.

    30-45 minutes later after I woken, my mother sat me down and told me her mother passed away. In her Home.

    she was 89.

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