
Have scientists done their homework on UFOs and aliens?

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I read and post a lot on Astronomy and Space QA. That's where a lot of questions concerning aliens and UFOs mostly land.

What I've seen by people posing as scientists is a lot of scoffing, innuendo and sneering as though there's nothing to be known because the subject doesn't exist outside of fantasy [praphrasing their replies]. But substance of the replies make it obvious they honestly don't know anything because they haven't looked.

In fact, official declassified documents from the CIA, the National Security Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency argue the government believed it is a serious matter. Their investigations produced a surprising body evidence available both to the public, and to scientists.

My question: Do scientists discredit their profession when they state opinions 'as scientists' based on their gut feel without examining whatever evidence is available?

Isn't the guy in the barbershop's opinion as valuable as these if they're equally ill-informed?




  1. When it comes to the unknown, we're all in kindergarten. Some folks with a piece of paper on their wall don't want to look 'dumb', so they avoid, deny or discredit. Shame. A good working hypothesis is better than hostile denial. Some scientists need to go back to school. Some lay people need to stay off the 'net' until they get to school.

    When confronted with the unknown, don't say: " my friends will never believe this, I better be quiet" or " it's not happening", think: " I know what I experienced, and I'm going to observe and report it honestly and accurately with no bias or speculation." (let someone else figure it out, if possible.) You'll be doing yourself and science a service. We don't know everything, so take those 'bias' blinders off and observe!

  2. Excellent question, my friend.

    It is the same question people like Copernicus and Galileo felt when the Church ridiculed them for their non-centric approach to our solar system.  

    Since the physics of UFO technology lie outside our parameters (they can fly faster than light, dematerialize, cloak, travel in time, put people in a state of suspended animation, etc) and our current scientific understanding has not caught up to these concepts, the answer to your question would be YES, metaphorically scientists are discrediting their professions by denying that there is any substantial proof (pictures, videos, and hundreds of thousands of abduction cases reported by credible witnesses), but to answer your question technically: NO they are not discrediting their professions for something that lies outside of their comprehension and current scientific understanding.  It is like if you tried to explain what a microchip is to Plato or Socrates or anyone before his time... They would be puzzled...  

    Maybe in 2,000 years or more we will have caught up to this type of technology, in 2,000 years time there will be new breakthroughs in physics that will finally let scientists examine this phenomenon closely.

    But first we must learn to live in peace amongst each other.

    Hope this helps.

    Open your hearts and minds to the possibility of alien visitation to this beautiful and fragile Planet Earth.

    Intergalactic Federation Here in Peace ... 2008

    We must change our ways if we are to subsist on this island.

  3. "One could not be a successful scientist without realizing that, in contrast to the popular conception supported by newspapers and mothers of scientists, a goodly number of scientists are not only narrow-minded and dull, but also just stupid."

                -- J. D. Watson  "The Double Helix"

  4. "In fact, official declassified documents from the CIA, the National Security Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency argue the government believed it is a serious matter."

    It is a serious matter when people report extraterrestrial visitors.  However, not one single story turned up anything that warranted further investigation.

    "Their investigations produced a surprising body evidence available both to the public, and to scientists."

    No they didn't.  What their investigations produced were reams of anecdotes.  The investigations produced no solid evidence for extra-terrestrial UFOs.  At best there were stories that couldn't be disproved.  That is not the same thing as evidence.

    It seems to me you are quite certain ET UFOs have visited our planet.  What sort of evidence do you have, besides the testimony of anti-government conspiracy crackpots?

    I don't pretend to speak on behalf of all scientists (pretend and otherwise).  What I do know is most people who objectively and dispassionately evaluate the evidence for ET UFOs, unlike those who already believe in them, find nothing compelling.

    EDIT: I see James Hogan mentioned here.  He is another conspiracy crackpot who is also an AIDS and Holocaust denier.

    I also see someone has a fundamental misunderstanding of the challenges faced by Galileo.

  5. "Kicking the Sacred Cow", by James Hogan

    "The Trouble With Physics", by Lee Smolin

    Two good books that will contribute to the understanding of the points you bring up.

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