
Have scientists ever tried researching an explaination for love? And if they did, did they find it?

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I'm just hoping they won't, science is sometimes just too much information. They just HAD to find out that food is turned into




  1. YOu can love for the wrong reasons or the right


    I love myself and want you for me so you can complete me


    I am complete and I want to share it with you

  2. Yes, they discovered pheromones which causes one person to be attracted to another. ;-)

  3. You know, I also hope they don't find an explanation for it, because, to me, part of the magic of love is in all its mysteries.


  4. scientist indicate that love is nothing more than chemical signals interpreted by the brain.

    best to listen to scientists only on things within thier subject and love obviously aint science!

    A.I. ( if it comes) has been darlkly predicited to view it love as:

    " a vaguary of perception, a temporary construct of a feeble human mind trying to justify an existence that is without  meaning or purpose, as artificial as life itself , only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love " -Warchowski


  5. Plenty of sociologists have, I'll e-mail you a scholarly journal on it.

  6. It is related to empathy.  It creates a bond that holds people together and the likelihood of survival.

  7. It was invented by the first woman who wanted Gorak (the first man) to go out and hunt for her and feed her and protect her while she sat in the cave and looked pretty.

  8. love is a survival trait

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