
Have shipping costs gone up??

by  |  earlier

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i know stamps have but im paying for postage right now on one of my ebay items to send out

it always costs me 1.17

and today 4.75

can someone help me out??? is it a glitch?

its paypal shipping




  1. everything is going up due to oil prices...but as far as paypal...they like to rip people off...believe me...they charge 300% for shipping. Crazy!

  2. I am not sure about PayPal, but I can tell you, as I work for FedEx, that yes, shipping rates have gone up.  Why?  Because of the increasing gasoline prices, jet fuel prices, and diesel prices.  I also have items I order for my martial arts ministry, and that company uses UPS to ship, and their rates have gone up too.  

    It seems today, everything is going except for the key thing... raises (and salaries).

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