
Have some of the "Goals of Communism" come true?

by Guest60500  |  earlier

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(I've listed only 5) Actually its the 45 Goals of Communism (1963), (Library of Congress) -you can google it.

1. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

2. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

3. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

4. Get control of the schools.

5. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.




  1. The  goal of communism was to monopolize all aspects of life, and to repress opposition.

    Communism was a Zionist project which was funded mainly by the Rothschild (German for 'Red shield' or 'Red Flag') banking dynasty. their agent Jacob Schiff, founder of the Kuhn, Loeb & Co bank admitted to funding the  1917 Bolshevik revolution  at the end of his life.

    The goal of the same  architects of the New World Order is to incorporate aspects of Communism e.g. surveillance, thought crimes, etc with a form of global capital   monopolies where all the real assets e.g gold, sliver, oil, water, land etc public services infrastructure are controlled by them , under the guise of "Public Private Parnership" and the privatization of utilities and where choice is only between their different brand names,  in a single party democracy where both parties are actually just two wings of the same party , that media, publishing etc is monopolized by them and that  national sovereignty is merged in to supranational entities as the USSR was like the EU, AU , ASEAN, NAU etc.

    WTO attacks national food security by undermining small farmers as  happened in Communist Russia , China etc and as with the Ukrainan famine of the 1930s  fabricated food shortages made the population more dependent on their needs on centralized system.

    National identity is further undermined by mass immigration and enforced multiculturalism, which also undermines the western middle class, which along with strong nation-states, is a major barrier to the feudal global order.

    The perpertrators seem to understand that by not labeling the NWO as Communist the masses simply fail to recognize it as such.

    As you also say the Frankfurt school of Cultural Marxism and environmental -which is actually a population reduction agenda- is the norm in the "education" indoctrination system.

    Communism has never been more of a fait accompli.

  2. These are the goals of all power mongers, like big corporations, religious organizations and so called royalty.Politicians are usually funded by these people.

    The only difference is that the commies were too dumb to keep these goals secret!

  3. Have 'some' of the goals come true? I'd say all of those have! We live in an International Socialist Welfare Police State...

  4. don't forget the biggest breaker of America: Bush's corporate welfare via the industrial/military complex.

    it's the largest form of Communism we have ever seen. Take from the people and bush then gives it to corporations like Lockheed, bowing, haliburton, etc.  oh- I forgot BIG OIL.

    invade and occupy a tiny country rich in oil (Iraq)  and even though they have billions in revenue, rape the American taxpayer for billion upon billions of tax dollars and give it all away to Exxon etc.

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