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Are you feeling angry?, Sad?, Happy? Or do you just want to tell a funny joke? A story? Well here's your chance! Just say whatever is on your mind, and whoever has the best, of course will get 10 points!!! (And scarcasm is to be expected) Thanks to those that answer!




  1. Oh yea... well ive got something to say to your high and fckng mighty question.


    now i got that off my chest im now lighter. which means i can fly higher than ever before! :D

    believe that?

    well its true :D

    not really

    dipshit ^>^

    of course it is.


    now the truth is...... i thought that this "question" sounded very like a add.

    "angry?, Sad?, Happy? Or do you just want to tell a funny joke?"

    lmao. - i imagined the guy from the crime and lime add saying that. I laughed my *** off. at myself. I find myself amusing. :)

    Heres the thing

    in a nutshell.

    im just come clean out and say it.

    no funny bussiness.

    all seriousness



    hehe i fell asleep.


    i wokes up again. don't worries.

    where was i?????

    oh yea

    ******YOU KNOW YOU LOVES ME :D******


    don't say shes just being g*y, and its not true.

    cos it is true. think about it dipshit!

    cos i no that i loves you! i love everyone, just not you joe D:

    Showers are nice....

    might have my yearly one some time soon... maybee ^>^..


    Black and Yellow would be nice colours for.......... MARIO AND LUIDGI!!

    i must tell someone

    laters ^>^

    banananananas rule over apples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 xD

    ily xx

  2. I'm actually pretty sad.... I'm trying to get my hair curly, buuuut it's not working. I mean i dunno.... i'm still waiting for this thing to work.... Ugh!!! I just can't be sarcastic soz xD but anyway wish me luck!

  3. well, i'm having a sad day. i have soccer every morning at 8 and today soccer sucked! we had to do the coupper, which is a two mile run in under 15 minutes. and i hate running. i hate it! so i didn't do so well. i got 19 minutes, which is pathetic. i need to shave 4 minutes off. its insane! it was the worst twenty minutes i can ever think of. whew! feels good to ***** about things once in a while. thanks!

  4. i neeedd help with this please will someone tell me the answer...

    im begging you! down on my knees in the middle of the street. plz help!;...

  5. Tension is when wife is pregnant!

    Terror: When girlfriend is pregnant!

    Horror: When both r pregnant!

    Tragedy: When U r Not responsible 4 both!

    • Failure is not when ur girlfriend leaves you... It’s only when u leave her a virgin!

    • Great door signs:

    Gynecologist: Dr Jones at your cervix.

    Septic tank truck: Yesterday's meals on wheels.

    Plumber's office: Wwe repair what ur husband fixed.

    Tire shop: Invite us to ur next blowout.

    Electrical shop: Let us remove ur shorts.

    Maternity room: Push, Push, Push.

    • Man Teases his ex-wife's new husband: So, dude how was the second-hand stuff?

    New husband: Not bad. After the first 3 inches, she was brand new.

    • Prof teaching muscle movement, asks a lady: Do you know what your a*****e does when you have an o****m?

    Lady: Sure, he's at the office, working!

    • Similarity between a d**k & matchstick?

    Both have heads without brains, both flare up at slightiest friction, both fizzle out after showing valour for 2secs !!!

    • A hillarious spelling mistake behind a truck, saying: Put deeper at night!

    • In life, never look down on anybody, unless u r getting a lovely view of the cleavage!

    • Russian: Sir we got a huge order from usa for 16 inches condoms. I think it is to embrass us.

    Boss: No problem! Complete the order and mark them SMALL SIZE.

    • Santa on long tour asks Banta 2 inform if anything unusual haoens at home.

    Banta SMSs after a month: Man who comes 2 s***w Ur Wife daily, didnt come today.

  6. Bored, tired, and it's raining here. So I feel like rain.


    What do you call a parachute that doesn't open?

    A death trap...

  7. I don't know any jokes but I do know some Chuck Norris facts.

    If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.

    When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.

  8. Miss Bea was in her eighties, and much admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. The pastor came to call on her one afternoon early in the spring, and she welcomed him into her Victorian parlor. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared a little tea. As he sat facing her old pump organ, the young minister noticed a cut glass bowl sitting on top of it, filled with water. In the water floated, of all things, a condom.

    Imagine his shock and surprise. Imagine his curiosity! Surely Miss Bea had flipped or something! But he certainly couldn't mention the strange sight in her parlor. When she returned with tea and cookies, they began to chat. The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him, and he could resist no longer.

    "Miss Bea," he said, " I wonder if you would tell me about this," (pointing to the bowl).

    "Oh, yes," she replied, "isn't it wonderful? I was walking downtown last fall and I found this little package. It said to put it on your organ, keep it wet and it would prevent disease. And you know... I haven't had a cold all winter!"

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