
Have the American ever cheat in the olympics before?

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Have the American ever cheat in the olympics before?




  1. Of course the usage of steriods.  

  2. Yeah Marion Jones "won" 5 gold medals in track and field in the 2000 Sidney Olympics. She was on designer steroids and it came out later. The IOC stripped all her medals but the U.S. media tried to hide it from the public. You can look at the information on

    Lance Armstrong is pretty shady too and he was using some designer drugs that they found from his 1999 samples during Tour De France. But he was "retired" already so nothing could be done and the story went away.

  3. Dude. Get over yourself lol.. People been cheating since the dawn of time, nothing new.

  4. yeah. marion jones..... the usa basketball team original dream team while not cheating was unfair to all the others

  5. Yes quite often, but only a few get caught, because they have ways to conceal them and also ways to hush things up better than other countries.

  6. Steroids yes.

    Has the American government ever been caught falsifying birth certificates and passports for their athletes? Unlike China in 2000 NO!

  7. Pontius, unlike the media in some third world country, the US media was all over Marion Jones.  It was on all the news when she fess up.  I love it when people who have never been to America, compare our media to the media of some country like Iran or China.  We don't cover up stories, it's anything goes over here.  We don't have a state owned media.  

  8. yea duh the americans cheat they use the most steroids! -.- they cant win without it -.-

  9. Yes, lots of athletes were stripped of their medals because they used drugs. There are rules. Athletes have to follow rules. And in America, it is a disgrace that they cheated. They are not condoned. They are reported on the news.

  10. Oh yes, for sure, just as many other countries have cheated.  Marion Jones was stripped of her medals for illegal steroid use.  I highly doubt she is the only one.  I just can't think of another example off hand.  I think there will always be cheating that goes on, but obviously if they are caught they should be disqualified or lose their medals.  

  11. pretty much just steroids and such

  12. pretty sure in track and field once we did a few years back.

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