
Have the Dem's clearly demonstrated what warmongers they are, how hateful and insulting ?

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In attacking Sarahs children, when Obama's Mom was 17, unwed and pregnant by a black Arabic Man!

Apparently she was pro life, good for her!I wonder if Obama sees the similarities!

She could have had an abortion, and where would Obama be now?




  1. Obama´s mother is seen as a heroine, as she should be.  She choose to have this child and raised him the best she could.  I think its very hypocritical.

  2. yea sure.. WERE war mongers.. lol.. ok,  who got us into this war..   this matters bc if shes trying to sell abstenance to MY daughter..she should be tracking her own better.. and more over.. she should let that TEENAGER take birth conrtol.. seeing as how she had this same bf for 3 years.. !  teenagers are never but moms should be!

  3. Actually Obamas mom was engaged when she got pregnnt and she was 18 and had graduated high school. In any case I applaud Bristol for he choice to keep her child and believe every woman in her situation should have a choice unlike her mothers policies that would have the govenmnt make the choice for her. I don't see what this has to do with dems being warmongers since choice is a domestic issue. McCain is still the only warmonger on either ticket since Palin has stated she is not certain why we are at war.

  4. absolutely the dems' true colors showing their ugly hearts

  5. So much for flower power.

  6. Hmmm.. dem's are warmongers and we are in a war right now under who???? and We have a candidate running for president who is a POW, who has stated he will fight in iraq for 100 yrs if he has to? Who is the warmonger???

  7. No.

    Ahem.  Dems aren't the ones screaming about abstinence only and waiting for s*x till marriage.  Dems aren't the ones screaming that un-wed mothers are to blame for societies ills.  

    And how exactly does "black Arabic Man" make it into the conversation?  Is an all white illegitimate child somehow better then a half white illegitimate child or any child for that matter?

  8. That's not warmongering.  That's throwing the hypocrisy of the republican, traditional family values, wait until marriage for s*x ideals of the GOP back in their faces.

  9. Not that is important but Obama's mother was married when she had Obama. When you people tell the rest of us about morality and you fail your own you are fair game.

  10. Please give an example of where it is the Dems who are "attacking" her or her daughter.

    Watch carefully.

    The attacks will come from the religious right.

    But they will blame the Dems for these attacks.

  11. Who knows as Roe v. Wade didn't pass until 1973.

    Had she tried to get an abortion back then, neither of them would most likely be with us.

  12. It appears to me you're doing the same thing.  Only ion a backhanded way.

  13. Not sure, but would you like to hook up later? You are Republican right?

  14. Black Arabic Man?

    Well, you've proved your ignorance

  15. You are so right.

    Just as the Cons have clearly demonstrated what hypocrites they are when the **** hits the fan in their own backyard.

  16. Well you've clearly demostrated how ignorant you are by generalizing...

    I have never asked a question about Bristol Palin's pregnancy, and any time I answer a question about it my response is, "It's none of our business so leave it alone."

    One of my close friends got pregnant and sixteen, and I know how hard it can be.  I fully believe that this issue should be taken care of by the family and that nobody else has any business discussing it.  So please, don't try and label us all.  It just makes you sound extremely unintelligent.

  17. haha, hateful warmongers?... that's the pot calling the kettle black.  

  18. lol thats funny! But Palin is a poster child for the Christian right. Sad you people all get programmed to say the same thing at once.

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