
Have the IOC taken any action against underage gymnasts yet?

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What is the IOC waiting for? I mean, the Chinese gymnasts are obviously 100% underage. We and Bela Karolyi have mastered the skill at telling someone's age just by looking at them. I mean how else could they have won so many golds, which is unlike Phelps who won so many golds at swimming and surely has never once cheated. Sure, our gymnasts stumbled quite a few times, but it is more important to focus on the issues of cheating. Plus, all the international judges were biased and conspiring against us. It must be they are still holding a grudge against our War in Iraq, lying about WMDs, human right abuse in Guantanamo Bay, water boarding torture, faking of intel documents, blah, blah... Old news.

I guarantee that when the Olympics is held somewhere else other than China, we will 100% win the Woman's Gymnastic Event unless of course UK bribes the judges and causes us to lose again.




  1. the kids in california are still sleeping, wait an hour or 2 before posting something like that.

    I am with you on how perfect america is, btw.

  2. Ohh yeahh...US is so perfect.

    If that's the case punk then how come everybody else is happy you got your butt kicked bu China. Wake up jackass, the world's hates your gots and it is all because of your c**p government.

    Tell you what...China Cheated. So did Phelps (he must to have been doped as h**l to win 8 golds). Oh and Jamaica Cheated. So did Armstrong when he won seven tours in a row while on a higher trip that the 70's.

    How about that.

  3. Would america care so much if they came 4th or 3rd..Y not protest before hand well because they thought they would win and since they didnt win now they want there bottle is america so wrapped up on only themselfs.  

  4. This is getting like the Basketball in the 1972 olympics when the Soviet Union beat the USA in the final. The USA refused (still do) to collect their Silver medals and they are still in a Swiss bank vault. (This was appealed by the USA at the time but the jury upheld the result).

    Just let it go.

  5. Obviously not underage!

    The IOC president Jacques Rogge has recently stated that the gymnasts were old enough to compete after examining evidence.

    It's time to move on and except the fact that the American Gymnasts were beaten by a better team.

    You can't win all the time.

  6. There was a British 14 year old competitor in Men's 10m platform  (diving) so does that make him underage and a cheat????? He was very open about his young age. He didnt win any medal so the media didnt make a fuss about it. Just because the chinese gymist girls won medals the focus is on them! Thats just not fair.

    If the IOC was strict about the min age being 16, then why let the British 14 y.o enter the competition in the first place?? Once athletes are allowed to compete then all althletes have a fair chance of winning any medal - regardless of age!

  7. you are absolutely right. Shawn Johnson all the way!

  8. The Chinese gymnasts were not underage. And the IOC agrees with that, so no action will be taken.

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