
Have the IRB lost the plot?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know about you, but I have been sick of the inability of the IRB to take any meaningful leadership in these games.


a) inconsistency in the way offending has been disciplined

b) interpretation of rucks/mauls & general play by referees

c) offsides and offending at scrums

d) strip colour's and entitlement of team colours

e) defending appauling decisions by referees

f) selection of referees and touch judges

g) flagrant inability to refuse technology to assist fair play

and so on. Personally, I would like to see each director who was part of this world cup to be interviewed and give an account of their poor management. Surely they must have performance reviews, but by whom? Themselves?

For me this world cup is not about showcasing the best in the world, its about political preferences and money. What a debacle! How can anyone, truly interested in the betterment of rugby, even consider this circus a true representation in finding the worlds best team?




  1. I totally agree and support your feelings about the IRB.

    The question I'll love to ask them would be, 'what makes the World Cup any different from any other normal tournament?'

    Personally, if it wasn't for the great job France has done as Host and the French people, this World Cup would have been a total flop.

    You would think by now they would have most of what you have mention sorted by now.

  2. Great comments. I agree with you 110%. It's so good to read the views of a person with some knowledge about rugby. There seems to be a large number of respondants on the  topic of World Cup rugby who are totally ignorant about the game but are supporting a team because they are a certain nationality and making the most rediculous statements.

  3. The IRB think they are beyond reproach. This pisses off so many countries. They have no consistency in anything they do. And yes, p**s off Paddy O'Bribe'him. His handling of the whole NZ quarter final reffing fiasco shows he has no consideration of member countries legitimate complaints and will do anything to defend his referees despite them being wrong and incompetent.

  4. Now we have another thing to whinge on. Who is to say the IRB have got the game wrong. us two countries in the South Hemp?. We don't run the world you know. I find the way we play is very boring. Very little skill, but speed and brawn. By the way did the ref do any harm to France, funny that.! Amazing we have no comments there.It was in a past World Championship that Paddy O' was voted the worst referee in the competition. Also other of our Refs were not brilliant either. Come on you so called experts who can only blurt bad things when beaten. Tell the truth. AB have won many a match through Refs acting in their favour. We didn't lose by a refs decision, we lost because we did not have the ability to overcome. Just because other nations do not play the game our way we cannot pick up the ball and go home. Just like the Americas Cup, which we did not lose by a few seconds, but three races and a few seconds. The only big mistake the IRB made was to award us the 2011 World Championships when logic tells us it should have gone to Japan for the follwing reasons. Bigger and better venues. Bigger accommodation and far bigger crowds. If the IRB are bad how did we get awarded the 2011 Champs. Helens promises maybe?

  5. I'm agreeing with this.Also I'm not sure now,if a world cup is such a good thing.The sport suffers when countries dont put up their best team to play.Each test should be of equal importance.This is no longer the case.

    Amateur rugby was to do with rugby purely.Today's game is different.

  6. Sack Paddy O `Dickwit

  7. I totally agree. But how can we make sure things change so that that the game grows and the next cup is a true celebration of rugby excellence?

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