
Have the Lutz children ever spoken out about the validity of the Amityville Horror?

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Of all the articles and books I have read I do not recall ever seeing anything about the Lutz children. I know George and Kathy are deceased, I am just suprised their kids have never said much regarding the story.




  1. I read this article some time ago.It briefly mentions Lutz' two stepsons.Maybe it can point you in the right direction for more information.

  2. It's been established that the Lutz adults made it up, so unless the children were complicit they probably wouldn't bother saying anything about it.  I'm sure they inherited some sort of financial benefit from the hoax, so perhaps they just don't wish to ruin a good thing.

  3. No "probably" about it - both the author and the family involved have admitted the deception.

  4. I have heard that it was a hoax and if George and Kathy Lutz claim it to be true, maybe the children just don't want to sound like they are agreeing with or disputing what their parents felt.

  5. That's probably because it's a hoax.

  6. i haven't thought about this.  good question.  and honestly, i don't know.  i've been reading this books called The Amityville Curse: Fact & Fiction by Hans Holzer.  It talks a lot about prior tenants of the home and the incidences they encountered.  It's really hard to say whether or not these things happened.  I think it's very possible they could have, but perhaps the story was a little misconstrued.  i personally would like to believe it DID happen because it makes it all the more interesting.  maybe their kids never said anything because they're scared to.  if i were ever involved in that kind of situation, the last think i would want to do is talk about it.

  7. I was just wondering this myself.  The topic came up in my Real Estate Law class this week, so I reviewed a couple of the websites devoted to the Amityville murders (my professor incorrectly thought the movie was based on a house in Nyack, but they changed the location to Amityville to avoid publicity - he also incorrectly thought a case in our text that relates to a "haunted" house was over this house).  

    It is obvious that the Lutzes orchestrated the hoax in order to make money with the book/movie rights, but I was wondering if their children ever spoke about it.  I think I read that at least one of Kathy's children was estranged from George.

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