
Have the Russians finally met their match in Georgia?

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i found this piece of propaganda which may spell the end for the Mighty Russian War Machine.>Brigades of Homosexual Georgian Peasants!!

The Russians are petrified an have declared an immediate withdrawal.

Some have been left behind to perform a rearguard action.

It's true:




  1. you bet ye.

  2. O.K...If anything Russia will probably conquer Georgia.

  3. Looking the Russian army on TV makes them look like a drunk football fans.

  4. I think you have it wrong when it comes to withdrawal.The guys name is Putin not Putout.

  5. LOL.  

  6. To pinch Columbia's words from 'The Rocky Horror Show' " I've seen it!"

    right this is kind of irrelevant, but tonight we went to the rugby. 15 year old daughter stayed home to watch a film. she found one on film-flex about cheerleaders. when we got home she said there was a lot of girls kissing and it wasn't what she thought, and that she was glad we hadn't come home in the middle of it in case we thought she was weird.

    sorry, it was funny at the time. I'm tired. goodnight. x

  7. what do you mean finally met there match, they got there a$$es kicked in Afghanistan

  8. PMSL, but no, unfortunately, Russia are the big fat playground bullies, and Georgia is the geek that nobody is brave enough to stand up for.

  9. I'm officially co-signing with MarcoPorres, I believe USA is getting greedy, and want to be Georgia's fudge-packer (ak me thinks there IS oil in Georgia too!!)

  10. We should send some troops over to help Georgia.  

    After all, they are a member of NATO.

  11. Why didn't the UK and America get so uppity with Mugabe a couple of months ago.  Methinks there is oil in Georgia!!!

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