
Have the christians already decided what the future is going to be? ?

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Here they talk about World War 3 and the destruction of Russia. It seems whether anyone wants the world war or not the christians are going to take the world to it!




  1. No, God has. And those Christians who are looking at world war three have forgotten about the cold war. This world will come to war again, but it will be the believers who will be slaughtered.

  2. First God decides the future, not humans.

    Second, we humans will be punished for our sins. Do you think that we should live peacefully when people sleep hungry, when we are being ruled by evil people, when we murder our kids, and let criminals run around free?  

  3. none of us will survive world war 3... may be we can beat russia but they have nuclear bombs... once it starts we're all dead

  4. only God knows what tomorrow will bring.

  5. Thankfully christians don't have as much power as they think. Their politicians pander to them and agree with their religious whims, but unless money is involved they won't lift a finger.

    So don't worry love :D

  6. They might THINK they have.

  7. No, we have not, and it is totally illogical of you to lump ALL Christians together because of those "chick tracts."  Most of us have never even heard of that stuff.

  8. I am a Christian and I do not want another war.  We are already fighting a war over oil in Iraq that is unjust.  Why would anyone want to start a war with Russia.  I understand what is going on in Russia and Geaorgia, and I think we should mind our own business.  If anyone is going to take us to war it will be that dumb **** monkey in the white house that will do it.  And if he affiliate the war with his Christianity I will personally punch him in the nuts.

  9. Ha! Most of them believe Heaven is filling up daily with good Christians but in reality the souls of the dead are not judged until Judgement Day, just like everyone else. They don't even understand their own religion let alone what will happen tomorrow.

    When they gloat about their knowledge they just dig deeper and deeper in their little hole they made for themselves.

  10. You've got your facts messed up.God said this will be done,not christians! Christians know what God said would happen in His prophecies,we are merely watching His Word come to pass.

  11. The future is in God's hands. None of us know what or when things will happen

  12. no but god's word has

  13. Christians are always deciding what the future's going to be. When it doesn't happen (come to pass ) they never admit to being wrong and just move on to their next crazy prediction.

  14. Yes, they seem to have it all figured out.

  15. Yeah!  Sounds awesome!

    I can't wait... just imagine how exciting WW3 will be.

    I don't know about you but I think scavenging for food is fun in apocalyptic nuclear winter wasteland!

  16. Hey, lets not make this a religious thing.  Stop spreading hatred and dissent.

    Edit: so if you're not spreading hatred, why are you saying that 2 billion people are all trying to start world war 3?  I think you'll find it's a handful of people who *just happen* to be christian.  You're every bit as bad as the people you're condemning.

  17. Lets hope that Russia comes to their senses and leave Georgia alone.

    So let us pray to our Lord of the cosmos universe to end all hatred on this planet and so we all can live in peace and good health. I will drink to that.

  18. They have it all figured out from that book of obscure prophecy that could be taken into context with ANY time period.  

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