
Have the illegal Mexican population already built a wall separating them from the U.S. citizens ?

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After living, and working in a area effected by illegal immigration. I have first hand witnessed that there is a wall already constructed. A invisable wall, that is constructed out of laungage barriers, opposing cultures, racism, and a anti-American belife system.

While a majority of Americans wish to build a wall to help protect our country from the negitive effects of illegal immigration. The illegal aliens from Mexico, have formed their own system of segregation, that seperates themselves from the values held by the rightful citizens of America.

Deport illegals, and keep the dream alive.




  1. I know what you mean. My people have fought this battle for 500 years. We're not whining about it we're doing something about it. Keep the dream alive is words of a hero who fought for equal rights for everyone including my people. Don't disrespect the man with your words of hate against my brothers. Your values aren't my values. My hair is long, my words are spoken in my native tongue, my drum tells our story, my prayers go on Eagles wings, and you don't speak for the rightful citizens.

  2. yes they have and theese mexicans ignore me in my schol

    and cheelicious calling ILLEGAL immigration ILLEGAL is NOT racism!!!

    dont compare theese honorable civil rights movemeant leaders like MLK with your ILLEGALL(meaning CRIMINAL) immigrats

    i welcome LEGAL immigrants becouse it helps U.S and they respect the law

    i don't wwelcome ILLEGALS since it is already easy enough to come legally and they broke the law

  3. Please run a spell check over your question and resubmit.

    Maybe it will make sense then.

    Ian M

  4. Yes this is the best question of the week!

  5. I agree with Chilicious most americans are racist and need to be deported.  getting rid of americans is the only way we can end the hate

  6. Yes they have and as usual,I find myself in complete agreement with you. Great question!

  7. It is what I was seeing.  It is a very dangerous game our congress is playing with immigration law enforcement because the Hispanics have begun to feel very threatened by Americans who want the law enforced and the illegal aliens removed from our country.

  8. Mr. milk, you need a little sugar

  9. U got my VoTe.....

  10. No they haven't. The only racism comes from Angelo's thinking they are superior to everyone else. I hope they keep their values separated and never have high school kids making pregnancy pacts, and young people shooting up schools.

    End racism, keep the dream alive.

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