
Have the republicans ever been politically correct?

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All of a sudden in the past few weeks they have been calling this democrat a racist and that democrat a racist.

Don’t republican talking heads usually rail against political correctness?

Have republicans really gotten desperate or what?




  1. Yea the end is near for them I had said before that they are getting desperate.

    BTW republican heads spin around in circles while chanting and spiting out vomit.

  2. republicans are way too politically correct, and have been for years

  3. Ummm, The Democrats have always been facist racists.

    The Democratic platform supported the institution of slavery, opposed civil rights, supported segregation, opposed woman's suffrage.

    The Republican party was formed primarily as an anti-slavery party by primarily Christian Abolitionist groups.  The Republican party has always been pro-civil rights.

    The Propaganda about the Democrats being a "pro-minority" party is just that, propaganda.  It is easily researched that the Democrats are responsible for things propagandized as Republican issues such as "McCarthyism", which started with HUAC in the 1930's long before McCarthy was ever in the SENATE.  McCarthy never sat on the House Un-American Activities Committee, the "commie blacklisters".

  4. Not desperate, just having fun throwing the stupidity of the left back in their collective faces.  I see by your post you guys can't handle it.

  5. They started buying in to this PC garbage a few years ago.  It appears that PC dogma has infected both parties now.

  6. Okay,I'll  speak  slowly  so  you  can  understand  it.

    Do you even understand the term Political Correctness? Calling out actual,visible,demonstrated Racism is not being Politically Correct.

    Censoring your own speech,because others may falsely deem it racist,that's Political Correctness.

    Falsely accusing someone of racism, who legitimately criticizes someone because the target of the criticism is some protected group/minority,that's also Political Correctness.

    So when you accuse me of Racism,for honestly criticizing the Marxist Ideals of Barack Hussein Obama,that's Political Correctness.You are willing to censor my speech to protect the "minority" from legitimate criticism.

    Do you get it yet? Or should I just give up.After all I do realize some simply can't be educated,perhaps you fall into that demographic.


  7. no

  8. Politics is historically a nasty business.  Tells you a lot about the kind of people who get into politics, doesn't it?

  9. Racism and political correctness are not the same thing.  

    Good try but you have only succeeded in exposing the idiocy of Democrats.

    Look what a genius response from OP!


    Hello abe frohman ,

    You have received a message from another user!

    From: Angel

    Subject: Idiocy of Dems

    Message: In your ear, abe. You call me an idiot when you can't even spell your own name? There's supposed to be a capital "A" at the front, doh!

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