
Have the tables finally turned?

by  |  earlier

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So, after not speaking to her AT ALL for three and a half months, my first 9and so far only) girlfriend is trying to contact me via Myspace. I'll admit, my connection with her was a pretty pathetic one. Basically, she took me back whenever she felt like it, and dumped me shortly after. I was her puppet. =[ That was when I was younger and more foolish. But I couldn't help it...she was my first kiss and everything...anyway, I decided to cut off all contact with her. In my opinion, that was the best thing I could do. Now, just when I'm finally moving on, SHE comes to ME. Despite my better judgement, I accepted her friend request, and over the next day I got like 15 profile views (I don't have that many friends on Myspace, I hardly ever use it). Then, she commented me about how I looked sad in one of my pictures and asked what was wrong. The picture was from a year and a half ago. =/ And then, she put me in her Top 8 right away. So, have the tables turned? Is she coming back to me now?




  1. no she is just using you

    tell her what you feel and then you will know what she thinks.

    find someone else i reckon

  2. yes and no. yes because she is coming back to you, and no cuz shes coming back to use you. move on, you totally deserve better.  

  3. In my opinion, yes, she is.

  4. she wana freak u boyy, lol. in my opinion, yes, she wants you

  5. It sounds like she misses you and wants to be friends again.

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