
Have the warnings on cigarette packs had any demonstrable effect in reducing the number of smokers?

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This also refers to banning on advertising and smoking in public.




  1. lmao!!! my friends get a pack and go oh wat am i getting today LOL!!! oh look im gonna get lung cancer or look im gonna go blind LMAO

  2. I don't think so; however, banning the cigarettes advertising and public smoking imposes certain rule on smokers not to smoke and bother others. It also shows the image of a smoker is no longer "cool" and desirable...  

  3. It hasn't stopped any person I know from smoking, you can even buy covers that go over the packets so you don't see the signs.  

  4. Oh yes as soon as I saw the warning on the pack I realized Hey these things are bad for me. I immediately quit.  

  5. This ones easy.  No.

    Now making smokes cost $9 a pack, that's a different story.

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