
Have the young vote become cynical of Obama since his nomination ?

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Please answer honestly I want the college students answers! Can you explain change and how this is going to happen without money! Taxing the rich won't bring about all this change! So how will he make this happen?




  1. I'm no college student (haven't been in years) but I can remember back in my misguided liberal days how many of us thought that Bill Clinton was the superstar that was gonna save America.  Clinton wasn't a terrible president but wasn't the greatest either.  But one thing was for sure, he was actually qualified to be president, meaning he had experience balancing a budget as governor of Arkansas.  Obama has experience in being a community organizer and a couple of years in the Senate, never balanced a large-scale budget and seems to think the solution is to tax and spend.  I don't care who the president is, if he and Congress do not treat running a government the same as one would run a business, then they are doomed to fail.  Common sense tells us that you do not spend more than you take in; we as individuals can't survive that way and neither can our country.  I don't know if McCain has the right answer to our economic woes, but I know for a fact that Obama doesn't.  It's gonna take a concerted effort from both sides of the aisle to make it work.  This includes cutting the pork, dumping the earmarks and squeezing every red cent possible.  We may all have to sacrifice and suffer a little through this, but it's better than the temporary solution of robbing Peter to give to Paul.

  2. No, not at all.

    As a matter of fact, more young people are more enthused by Obama and are really excited about his candidacy.

    Just yesterday, walking through the student center of my university, a young lady had Obama shirts for sale; no McCain shirts.  

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