
Have there been any recent developments regarding research of Scottish farmed salmon?

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Can anyone help me out with any more information about the whole Scottish Salmon causing cancer rumours from a while back? I never really understood what the actual findings were and if there was any proof of it. I like to eat a lot of salmon and used to feel really healthy doing so but now I wonder everytime I eat it whether I should be cutting down!!?




  1. There's no new information and don't expect many answers because you're asking people who don't eat animal flesh.

  2. I would ask this question this in another section.  Vegetarians and Vegans do not eat Salmon or any other animal for that matter.

  3. Well, there is no scientific proof that any particular food causes or contributes to any cancer.

    Mercury in fish is a concern with a diet high in salmon of course.

    But really you're asking the question in the wrong section. Vegetarians and vegans don't eat fish, and so will generally not have taken as much interest in rumours about salmon as those who do.

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