
Have they drilled to the center of the earth yet?

by Guest58867  |  earlier

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Have they drilled to the center of the earth yet?




  1. Yeah. They are passed the centre of the earth now and are nearly out the other end. (Australia).

  2. Not unless you watch/read Science Fiction.

  3. Well russia and china are trying because they see it as a free source of heat and energy but as soon as there equipment reach the outer core they will just melt and the pressure that the cores emmiting will shoot up the hole theyve just created causing an endless volcano

  4. EPA won't allow it.

  5. That would be impossible right now.

  6. no. it would create a man made volcano

  7. No, but I heard there making a kick *** movie called "Jounry To the center of the Earth". It stars Brendon Fraiser and that one kid from Zathura, Or Zamora. some **** like that

  8. The thunderbirds team are drilling as we speak , should reach the centre of earth on friday A.M.   F.A.B. and out .

  9. No, that's impossible as most of the earth below 5-90km below the surface is liquid or molten (semi-liquid), which you can't drill through.

  10. No. Major architecture companies have files on these kinds of projects, but so far they are only ideas. they are too far fetched because the overall cost would be too much and the chance of a complication is huge.

  11. From a story I read they must have, there was this big Texan who was boasting about how everthing was big in texas. He said we have roads so big they are wider than an airfield, we have buildings so high that when your on the top floor you can see the passengers in the aircraft as they go by. A welshman got up and said, so what , did you know that in S Wales we have pits so deep that the welshmen work the day shift and the Australians work the night shift.

  12. No.The diameter of the earth is 12756 k/m. To reach the center you have to drill to a depth of 6378 k/m.So far we have achieved to drill to a depth of 7 k/m only.We are far behind the center of earth. Don't try to even imagine it.

  13. NO

  14. Well japanese scientists  are planning to explore the centre of the earth by drilling through the thinnest part of crust to the mantle by way of drill ships.  By punching a hole where it is thinnest in the ocean floor their journey takes them towards the mantle where they can observe bacteria and aim to locate various life forms  and materials;elements there in helping us to perhaps find out the causes of volcanoes such as tsunami

    and to widen knowledge into understanding how the earlier life forms came into being.  Much of what we know about our earth sciences including cures for diseases comes from the ocean .  It is believed that all life originated in the sea.

  15. No they keep saying.

    "We're getting to it, we'll do it last year."

  16. no but the russians are close

  17. no they didn't, but i did.

    i found nothing interesting so i came back.

  18. Look at this they have got through to the mantle

    But not to the centre of the earth, no!

  19. No. I don't think they actually can. It still remains a mystery.

  20. in movies.

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