
Have they found the Florida toddler yet?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No they have not. This is a very disturbing case. I do  not understand why so many parents are so irresponsible with their children's welfare lately.  I believe some of the theories that have been thrown around. Maybe she left her in the car and she died, or maybe she sold her to the supposed babysitter. I'm hoping that she simply gave her to someone. I hate to think that a she would have harmed her own child.It sounds like her family would have taken Caylee if she no longer wanted her.

  2. no and new pictures were released of the mother partying at a hot body contest days after her daughter went missing.

  3. no, but i think they need to start digging in the moms backyard.

  4. I dont think so   ......  .....copy n paste it

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