
Have they stopped production of winchester rifles?

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I have a model 94, will it become more valuable in time?




  1. The Winchester US repeating arms was purchased by Browning, and they have started making the Model 70 again in several configurations but the venerable 94 has not been among the restarts.  Almost all of the better guns made by Winchester have shown some increase in value, but not the post 1964 through 1972 guns. Those years are still junk, and a tribute to shoddy craftsmanship.    

  2. It is my understanding they closed the U.S. plant, which includes the 1894 and model 70. But still import their foriegn made stuff.

  3. Searched their site and the homepage has the 2008 Model 70 listed for sale. There were several rifles and shotguns listed. In 2006 there were several articles about them closing and then we heard they were restructured. From the look of their webpage it appears their still in business

  4. They did stop production of the '94'.

    They made a lot of 'em'.

    Unless it's old and in really good shape, value will appreciate very slowly.

  5. Yes on the Model 94.* I see them in fair condition priced at $350.00 in Gun & Sporting goods stores.* Yes they will become more valuable.*

  6. Some models have. I have a model 70 featherweight that they no longer produce.

  7. Unless you have a rare version, at the very least, you will not lose any money.  I doubt very much if a run of the mill M-94 will appreciate very much due to the fact of the shear numbers of them that were produced.

  8. Yes, for a while they stopped production and haven't started up on all their models.  I think the 1894 is still out of production for the time being.  Will yours appreciate in value over time?  Probably.  They're not making any more and the older ones will still be more desirable to collectors than the ones to come after and if production starts up again.  Of course it depends on the model, condition and whether or not it was maintained in original conditions.

    Good luck.  I am holding on to my two 1894s.


  9. The last model 1894 was produced in 1929

    After that it was the Model 94

    In 2006 USRAC the company making the Winchester 94 70 and 1300 closed shop

    There had been talk about a newlt formed company buying the name from Olin but I never followed up on the rumors

    I have not seen prices of any of these guns go up in value in the long run

    After the announcement there were a few who got caught up in a short lived frenzy but it didn't last long

    Those guns were Winchester in name only for a long time

    The good ones stopped being produced in 64

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